1. How often should generators be tested?
-Monthly under building load for 30 minutes
-Annually under resistive load
-Tri-annually under building load for 4 hours
2. What is the difference between a resistive load bank and building load transfer?
-During a building load transfer, a test is performed via the automatic transfer
switch. Any equipment/lighting that is on emergency will experience momentary
lapse in operation during transfer and retransfer. A resistive load bank test does
not affect the utility side at all unless there is a power failure during testing.
3. How often should lead acid batteries be replaced?
Lead acid batteries should be replaced every 24-30 months
4. When should I get a fuel delivery?
It is recommended that fuel tanks are never below 50%
5. Can I add more load to my emergency power system?
The only way to properly gauge whether or not load can be added to a system
would be to perform a building load study
6. What does an automatic transfer switch PM entail?
During an automatic transfer switch (ATS) PM, all loads that are backed up on the
emergency system will need to be shut down for an average of 2-4 hours per ATS.
Systems with a UPS will not see a power interruption for however long the unit is
rated for.
7. What is the purpose of fuel polishing?
Fuel polishing restores deteriorated diesel fuel by filtering out water and impurities
such as algae that build up over time. Pollutants in the fuel system can cause
engine damage when not properly monitored.
8. Where can I check air quality index?
www.airnow.gov and www.njaqinow.net are the two main websites for checking air quality. These websites also offer daily e-mail notifications.
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